September 1, 2008

ECODE_LogoECODE (Experimental COgnitive Distributed Engine) is a 3-year STREP project (running from September 2008 to August 2011) co-funded by the European Commission under the Framework Programme 7 (FP7), addressing the Strategic Objective ICT-2007-1.6 "New paradigms and experimental facilities".

The goal of the ECODE project is to develop, implement, and validate experimentally a cognitive routing system that can meet the challenges experienced by the Internet in terms of manageability and security, availability and accountability, as well as routing system scalability and quality. By combining both networking and machine learning research fields, the resulting cognitive routing system fundamentally revisits the capabilities of the Internet networking layer so as to address these challenges altogether.

For this purpose, the project investigates and elaborates novel semi-supervised, on line, and distributed machine learning techniques kernel of the cognitive routing system. During the building phase, the cognitive routing system is both designed and prototyped. In the second phase, three sets of use cases are experimented to evaluate the benefits of the developed machine learning techniques. The experimentation and the validation of these techniques are carried out on physical (iLAB) and virtual (e.g.,OneLab) experimental facilities.

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Jul.27, 2011
ECODE partners meet at the IETF 81 meeting (in Quebec City) to kick-off the creation of the Learning-Capable Communitation (LCCN) IRTF research group

Mar.30, 2011
ECODE partners meet at the IETF 80 meeting (in Prague) to initiate the creation of the Learning-Capable Communitation (LCCN) IRTF research group

Dec.13-17, 2010
ECODE Demonstrations at FIRE/ServiceWave 2010 event during the Future Internet Conference Week

Sep.27-29, 2010
ECODE Demonstration during the ICT Event 2010 at Belgian Pavillon

Nov.23-24, 2009
ECODE participates to the Future Internet Assembly (FIA) Stockholm with a presentation on Experimentation as Research Methodology

Jul.1-2, 2009
ECODE participates to the FIREWeek 2009 Event