Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) events in relationship with the activities of the ECODE project are also accessible via FIRE Webpage.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

FIRE events during Future Internet week (Poznan) - October 26-27

Updated information about the upcoming FIRE-related events in the Future Internet Week in Poznan:

  1. Registration for the Future Internet Week (24-28 October) is open. See: http://www.week.fi-poznan.eu/
  2. The FIRE event in the Future Internet Week (Wednesday 26 October 14:30 - Thursday 27 October, 18:00).
    Note that this event includes an Information Day session for Call 8 ( FP7-ICT-2011-8 objective 1.6) on Thursday afternoon (14:30 - 18:00).
    The latest programme can be found at http://wiki.ict-fire.eu/index.php/FIRE_event_Poznan:
    • Wednesday 26 October, 14:30 - 18:15:
      • Opening by the EC
      • Feedback from the 1st Open Calls from the projects BonFIRE, TEFIS and OFELIA
      • Overview of the 1st Open Calls from the projects CREW, SmartSantander and OpenLab
      • Information about the new Call 7 FIRE facility projects (Experimedia, Confine, OpenLab)
      • FIRE and the FI-PPP
    • Thursday 27 October, 10:00 - 13:30
      • Formal methodologies for testing, and the use of FIRE testbeds for standards validation (led by MyFIRE, but with presentations from most of the FIRE facility projects)
    • Thursday 27 October, 14:30 - 18:30

FIRE research workshop, a Future Internet Week event (May 16, 2011)

  • The first FIRE research workshop will be a full day workshop with focus on the experimentally driven research dimension of FIRE and in particular, to improve the visibility and the involvement of the experimental-driven FIRE projects as well as increase researcher attendance and their active participation to FIRE events and workshops. This should lead to a scientific and technical discussion forum that will allow projects and researchers working on similar subjects to share and challenge their ideas and results with their peers. By offering this opportunity the workshop aims at increasing the incentives for researchers’ participation, without intending to replace or compete with established research conferences and workshops.
  • For this purpose, a small scale forum will be implemented in the form of a workshop, which allows researchers to share and discuss their experimental research results and best practices by means of short, targeted and well scoped presentations. By structuring them by similar research topics or objectives (multi-media/content networking, wireless, self-adaptive/cognitive networks, routing system, etc.), researchers would be able to challenge, compare and contrast practices, methodologies, and in particular obtained results. More details are available .
  • Call for contribution. The FIRE research workshop expects your active contribution to form the agenda. Please visit http://wiki.ict-fire.eu and contribute to the development of the agenda. If you have any questions please contact us via contact@ict-fire.eu
  • Presentations. The presentations from the FIRE Research workshop in Budapest are now available at http://www.ict-fire.eu/events/fire-research-workshop.html.

The following selected sessions are of particular relevance for FIRE:
  • The Living labs and Smart Cities Conference on December 14 (09:30 - 18:00)
  • The FIRE Conference on December 15 (09:00 - 16:00): This conference includes an overview of the current portfolio of projects, presentations from existing facility providers and feedback from users about their experiences. There will be a presentation giving some ideas about testbed sustainability, and the Call 5 IPs will announce details of their first "Open Calls" for experiments.
  • The "FIRE Conference" on December 15 (16:30 - 18:30): "Internet Science". Given the (€5M) NoE proposal submission deadline of 18 January, this session is essentially an "open floor" for participants to discuss concrete multidisciplinary topics needing experimentation on FIRE. Short presentations by the audience are invited, and should be sent in advance to ICT FIRE. It is also an opportunity to network and interact with existing FIRE projects.
  • The Demonstration Evening on December 15 (18:30 - 21:00) will introduce the demonstrations that can be seen throughout the FIA event. Demonstrations from FIRE projects will be shown by: OneLab, Panlab-PII, Resume-Net, ECODE and CREW.
  • The FIA Session VI: Smart Cities and Future Internet Experimentation takes place on December 16 (14:30 - 16:30)
  • FIRE activities will be presented in the FIA Session X on 17 December (10:30 - 12:00). This session will contain examples of experiments that have been made on the existing facilities, and the Call 5 IPs will publicise their first Open Calls.

  • FIREWeek 2010: June 30 - July 1, 2010
    Date: June 30 - July 1, 2010
    Location: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
    Website: FIREWeek 2010

  • FIREWeek 2009: 29 June – 3 July 2009
Event co-organized under the auspices of the Swedish EU Presidency by the Directorate General for Information Society and Media of the European Commission Unit F4 "New Infrastructure Paradigms and Experimental Facilities", the FIREWorks and CO-LLABS projects, and the Centre for Distance-Spanning Technology, Luleå University of Technology.
Venue: Lulea, Sweden
Full Progamme July 1-2, 2009
Agenda: Day 1 (July 1, 2009)
Agenda: Day 2 (July 2, 2009)
Participation from ECODE:
Tutorial: Virtualisation: Enabler or Problem? (Dimitri Papadimitriou, Alcatel-Lucent Bell)
Tutorial and Demo: ISP-driven informed path selection (Damien Saucez, UCL)
Participant: List

  • SAC-FIRE Workshop: Advance research and experimentation in networking, (Venice, Italy - 3-4 March 2009)
Minutes: ---

  • The 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities TridentCom 2009 to be held in Washington DC, USA in April 6-8, 2009.

The starting point of the 14 research projects selected under the first FIRE call. A unique opportunity to discuss the research scenario behind FIRE, its expected impact, and the multiple ways to improve synergies and added value with other research initiatives, be they worldwide, at EU or national levels. A key milestone for updating the vision and the roadmap for the European Experimental Facility and the experimentally-driven visionary research for the Future Internet.
Venue: Paris City Hall, Mairie de Paris - Hôtel de Ville de Paris, Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75196 Paris cedex 04
Registration: Fill in the registration form by 29 August 2008

FIRE Strategy workshop (invited presentations) will brainstorm the relevant topics and approaches for the modification of FIRE report which the FIRE Expert Group will further work on.
Venue: Les Cordeliers, UPMC Paris Universitas, Institut des Cordeliers, 15 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris
Registration: Fill in the registration form by 29 August 2008
This tutorial is provided by the OneLab consortium, which is running PlanetLab Europe, the European arm of the global PlanetLab test bed.
Venue: Les Cordeliers, UPMC Paris Universitas, Institut des Cordeliers, 15 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris
Registration: Fill in the registration form by 29 August 2008

  • SAC-FIRE Workshop: Advance research and experimentation in networking, (Turin, Italy - 4-5 March 2008)

  • Consultation meeting on Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE), (Brussels, Belgium - 12 February 2008)
Executive Summary:
Full report:

  • Negotiation Meeting Call 2 FP7 Projects, (Brussels, Belgium - 25 January 2008)
Mario Campolargo, Acting Director F presentation;
Per Blixt, Head of Unit F4 presentation;
Ralf Hansen, Deputy Head of Unit F6 (AFU) presentation.