• PlanetLab

PlanetLab initiated by from the University of Princeton, is a software platform structured around Planetlab nodes that compose a large distributed research network. PlanetLab currently consists of 888 nodes at 461 sites spread over the Internet. PlanetLab allows users to reserve slices on nodes and run experiments on them.

Since the beginning of 2003, more than 1,000 researchers at top academic institutions and industrial research labs have used PlanetLab to develop new technologies for distributed storage, network mapping, peer-to-peer systems, distributed hash tables, and query processing.

Details about the expansion and development of PlanetLab can be found here.

  • OneLab

The OneLab project, funded by the European Commission under the Framework Programme 6 (FP6), aims at providing an open networking laboratory for integrating, testing, validating and demonstrating new fixed and wireless networking technologies in real world settings and production environments. The OneLab experimental facility provides for a large scale, and open testbed with real-life conditions.

OneLab follows three main goals: extending PlanetLab into new environments (such as WiMAX, UMTS, etc.) beyond the traditional wired Internet, deepening of PlanetLab's monitoring capabilities (passive and topology monitoring), and providing a European administration for PlanetLab nodes in Europe.

The OneLab2 project, funded by the European Commission under the Framework Programme 7 (FP7) and the FIRE initiative, continues the OneLab activities.

  • iLab-t

iLab.t provides lab infrastructure to evaluate technical feasibility, performance, and service quality of ICT innovations at the earliest possible stage. This experimental facility consists out of 100 servers connected through a non-blocking Ethernet switch. The 100 high-end servers composing the experimental facility cluster come each with dual CPU dual core 2.0GHz, 4GB RAM, 4 or 6 Ethernet network interface cards (Gbps) – PCI express, and 4x80GB disks – software RAID 0 configuration. The servers are interconnected by a Force10 E1200 non-blocking Ethernet switch (1.68 Tb/s – 1Billion pps) that scales up to 672 ports. Each server is connected with 4 or 6 gigabit Ethernet links to the switch.

  • PanLab