EU Commission Events in relationship with the Future Internet experimental-driven activities of the ECODE project. These events are also accessible via FP7 Events Webpage. EU Commission also maintains a dedicated Future Internet website on its thematic portal.

Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) Events are accessible via FIRE Events page.

Upcoming Events

Future Internet Assembly Aalborg, 10-11 May 2012, Aalborg, Denmark

The Future Internet Assembly (FIA) will be held on May 10-11, 2012 under the Presidency of Denmark in the EU Council. The theme for FIA-Aalborg will be "Smart Cities and “Internet of Things" and will bring together projects that have recognised the need to strengthen European activities on the Future Internet to maintain European competitiveness in the global marketplace. Currently FIA brings together research projects that are part of the ICT programme of FP7. All of these projects are advancing the state of the art in their respective areas and FIA enables open interactions and cross-fertilization across the technical domains, reaching out to talent in Europe's Future Internet research community.

FIA is THE place for fundamental discussions supported by working groups, such as the architecture of the Future Internet or a roadmap for research in Horizon 2020 (the new name for FP8). But there is also place for one-off discussions around recent trends that when properly understood by projects will make their results more competitive and more ready for commercial exploitation. Think for instance about HTML5 and mobile computing using tablets. Does your project already understand what these cool technologies can bring?

Past Events

Year 2011

Future Internet Week: In connection with the Polish Presidency in the EU Council in the second half of 2011, the "Future Internet Week" Conference will be held in Poznan, Poland from October 24-28, 2011 in the Lecture - Conference Centre of Poznan University of Technology, The Future Internet Week includes a large number of adjacent events, such as the Future Internet Assembly (FIA), the ServiceWave conference, the FIRE event, the Future Internet Forum, the Internet of Things conference and many more.

  • Future Internet Assembly (FIA), part of the Future Internet Week, will be in Poznan at the Poznan International Fair Centre on October 24-26, 2011.
  • FIRE Day event on October 27 (full-day) and October 28 (half-day, morning only) are foreseen.
    • FIRE project demonstrations in conjunction with the co-located ServiceWave 2011 conference: as in FIA Ghent, an exhibition space in FIA-Poznan for demonstrations will be offered.
      • Full demo application details can be found here. The deadline for submitting a demonstration proposal (2-page demo description) has been extended to June 13, 2011.
      • Note: if there are sufficient FIRE demos, the proposal is to group together in one area ("FIRE Village"). Therefore, in order to estimate the space required, please inform <mailto:> if you submit a proposal.
    • FIRE Day Agenda: you are invited to help create the agenda for the FIRE Day, via the FIRE wiki page at: The items below are currently provisionally included:
      • Introduction of the new FIRE IP projects from Call 7
      • Outline of the FP8 workprogramme and opportunities to supplement the information. Further details of Call 8 (deadline January, 2012).
      • A half-day workshop with MyFIRE on Standardisation, comprising 2 themes: (i) identifying the relevant standards for FIRE projects, and (ii) using the FIRE facilities as test sites for reference implementations of application standards
      • Presentations from the FI-PPP community
      • Presentations of the accepted proposals from the first Open Calls from BonFIRE, OFELIA and TEFIS

Year 2010

  • FIA Valencia 2010, Future Internet Conference and Technical Workshops, Valencia, Spain, 14-16 April 2010.
Registration: Follow the link for registration to the FIA Event

Future Internet Cluster meeting, 26 January 2010.
Future Networks 5th FP7 Concertation Plenary Meeting, 27 January 2010.

Year 2009

  • FIA Stockholm 2009, Future Internet Conference and Technical Workshops, 23-24 November 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.
ECODE Presentation (FIRE Session): D.Papadimitriou (ALB) Experimentation as Research Methodology
ECODE Presentation (FIRE Session): A.Krifa (INRIA) Experimentation driven traffic monitoring research

  • FIA Prague 2009, Future Internet Conference and Technical Workshops, 11-13 May 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
ECODE Participation: Experimental Facilities (IBBT), FIRE Session moderator/pannelist (ALB)

  • Proposers'Day for all Challenges of ICT, 22 January 2009, Budapest, Hungary.

Year 2008

  • FIA Madrid 2008, Second Future Internet Assembly (FIA), 10-12 December 2008, Madrid, Spain.

  • 1st Japan EU Symposium on the "New Generation Network" and the "Future Internet", 9-10 June 2008, Brussels, Belgium.

  • FIA Bled 2008, First Future Internet Assembly (FIA), 31 March - 2 April 2008, Bled, Slovenia.